New AV Materials Available from NEH Arendt Seminar 2010

In 2010, several visiting scholars came to San Diego during the time of the NEH seminar on Hannah Arendt that I was directing. Through a supplemental grant from the NEH specifically designed to enhance web sites related to NEH seminars and institutes, we were able to tape these lectures and digitize them, so we can embed them in this web site and offer them as resources for scholars and teachers interested in Arendt.

I will be uploading these lectures over the course of the coming weeks, as we complete production.

The first, available here, is a lecture by Professor Laurel Corona, a writer and professor of English at San Diego’s City College, whose extraordinary book, Until Our Last Breath: A Holocaust Story of Love and Partisan Resistance (St. Martin’s Press, 2008), documents the story of the Ghetto uprising in Vilna, Lithuania, through the true story of “Leizer and Zenia Lewinson Bart, who met and married in the ghetto and became members of famed poet and activist leader Abba Kovner’s unit, the Avengers.”

Watch the video here:

Laurel Corona, writer and Professor of English at City College, San Diego, CA visited the NEH summer seminar for schoolteachers on the political theory of Hannah Arendt, directed by Kathleen B. Jones of San Diego State University, on July 23, 2010. She lectured on writing her book, Until Our Last Breath, a non-fiction book about the Vilna Ghetto uprising and Jewish resistance during the Holocaust.

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