This web site is intended as an information and resource site for scholars and teachers, as well as the general public interested in the political theory of Hannah Arendt.
I have divided it into sections of information, represented in the buttons above. Each button, when clicked, reveals a number of sub-categories related to the main topic.
If you are primarily searching for information about the NEH summer seminar for schoolteachers on Hannah Arendt that I direct, choose the button NEH Seminar. In sub-categories you can find all the information you need to apply. You can also navigate to this section from the home page.
Under Resource Center you will find a brief bibliography (to be expanded), teaching resources, a collection of audio/visual materials by or about Arendt, and a “virtual museum” of artistic and artifactual images about Arendt.
If you are interested in researching in or contributing to a collection of teaching resources, which former participants in my seminars have helped develop, you will find a “wiki site”, sub-divided into categories, under teaching resources. At the bottom of the list of categories, you will find a form on which you can submit additional resources. These will be added to the site following approval by an evaluation committee.
One result of my seminars has been the development of curriculum and syllabi related to the study of Arendt. Soon, some of these projects will be catalogued under the Curriculum and Syllabi section of the teaching resources.
The Blog is an ongoing posting of short musings and dialogue about topics of interest related to Arendt scholarship and teaching. I welcome subscribers and commentators.
Finally, if you would like to contact me, please write to my assistant, whose email is found under Contact.
Kathleen B. Jones, Ph.D.
Director, NEH Summer Seminar for Schoolteachers on the Political Theory of Hannah Arendt.